Fibroadenoma & benign phyllodes tumour
What is a fibroadenoma?
Fibroadenomas are common benign breast lesions, usually diagnosed in women between 15 and 35 years of age. They tend to present as palpable lumps, which sometimes can be painful. These lesions are hormonally driven and can change in size with periods or pregnancies. The diagnosis is generally made on ultrasound but requires confirmation with a biopsy.
Do I need to have a fibroadenoma removed?
In most cases, fibroadenomas can be monitored and do not require removal. However, excision may be advised dependent on the size, symptoms or characteristics of the lesion. Dr Bell will explain these recommendations in more detail at the appointment.
What is a phyllodes tumour?
Phyllodes tumours are much less common than fibroadenomas and tend to occur in women in their 40s and 50s. Most phyllodes tumours are benign, but a minority of them can be malignant. On ultrasound, fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumours can look similar, therefore a biopsy is always warranted.
Do I need to have a phyllodes tumour removed?
If imaging or biopsy suggests the presence of a phyllodes tumour, excision of the lesion is recommended. Dr Bell will be able to discuss this further at the appointment.