Nipple Discharge Surgery

What is Nipple Discharge Surgery?

Certain types of nipple discharge warrant further treatment by removing the duct(s) that are responsible for causing the discharge. Dr Bell will explain the difference between the 2 procedures, which one is more suitable for you and the risks involved.

Microdochectomy (removal of a single breast duct)

During this procedure, a thin wire (probe) will be inserted directly into the discharging duct and used as a guide to separate this duct from the other ducts. An incision at the edge of the areola (coloured area around the nipple) is made. The discharging duct is identified and removed from underneath the nipple, with the aim of keeping the other ducts intact.

Central duct excision (removal of all breast ducts)

This procedure involves removing all the breast ducts from underneath the nipple, which will ensure the abnormally discharging duct is removed.