Lipomas/sebaceous cysts
What are lipomas?
Lipomas are benign fat lumps that are located deep to the skin. A lipoma can form on any part of the body, but they typically appear on the neck, shoulders, forearms, arms and thighs. Some people have a single lipoma, whereas others have multiple lipomas in multiple locations. Lipomas can range from small (about 1cm) to very large (>10cm) in size. They are generally located superficial to the muscle layer, but less commonly also within the muscle itself.
Do lipomas need to be removed?
Lipomas are considered benign lumps and can be managed by observation. However, as they may slowly grow over time, most patients opt for removal if the lipoma starts causing symptoms (such as rubbing on clothing) or cosmetic concerns. Occasionally, you will be advised to have the lipoma removed if there are concerns about the diagnosis, including atypical features on imaging or clinical findings.
What are sebaceous cysts?
Sebaceous cyst (or epidermoid cysts) are the most common cysts of the skin. They form when a sebaceous gland (a gland that produces oil to naturally moisturise the skin) becomes blocked. The cyst can grow over time and is visible as a lump under the skin with usually an overlying punctum (visible opening).
Do they sebaceous cysts need to be excised?
Sebaceous cysts can become infected, which usually requires treatment with antibiotics and occasionally surgical drainage. Removal of the non-infected cyst will prevent this from happening. Sebaceous cysts can also be uncomfortable or cause cosmetic concerns that will prompt the need for surgical removal.